Privacy Policy

This privacy notice aims to give you information on how Portobello Aesthetics Training Academy Limited collects and processes your personal data through your use of this website, via telephone, email, social media and in person when you contact us, purchase products, register with us for courses or otherwise.

Personal Information We Collect

We collect personal data, or personal information, which means any information about an individual from which that person can be identified. We collect data such as your name, address, contact details and other relevant details about you when you sign up for a course, or when you become a student.

How We Use Your Personal Information

Under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) we will only use your personal data on a lawful and legitimate basis.

Your personal information will help us contact you, enable us to assist with your course enquiries, and to process the booking of your course.

Portobello Aesthetics Training Academy Limited will process your data to fulfil contractual obligations. In addition we share information with third parties such as regulators, qualification awarding bodies, law enforcement agencies, professional advisors, and other relevant parties. This is to ensure the prevention of fraud and dishonesty.

Additionally, we may ask you for sensitive personal information in regards to any learning difficulties and/or disabilities. This will allow us to make an assessment as to whether any reasonable adjustments can be made in order for you to undertake a course. We will also ask you for any medical conditions and/or allergies that may put your health at risk should you undertake the course.

Information held about you will be retained for no longer than 6 years after our final correspondence with you, except where required for legal, tax or accounting purposes.

Your personal information is required for the nature of our business, if you are not happy to provide this information to us, then we will be unable to assist in any enquiries that you may have, or enrol you onto any courses at Portobello Aesthetics Training Academy Limited.


Your Rights

Under the GDPR regulations you have the right to:

  • Request a copy of the personal data we hold about you via a Subject Access Request (SAR).
  • Request for correction of incomplete or inaccurate personal data that we hold about you.
  • Request erasure of your personal data.
  • Object to the processing of your personal data.
  • Request restriction of processing of your personal data.
  • Request the transfer of your personal data to you or to a third party.
  • Withdraw consent to the processing of your personal data.

We will consider and evaluate all requests received in relation to this privacy policy. Requests should be made to

Contacting Us

If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy, please contact us at

Portobello Aesthetics Training Academy Limited,
Unit 8, 73 St Charles Square, W10 6EJ